Supplement to Gottlob Frege

Chronological Catalog of Frege’s Work

This Bibliography was compiled and cross-checked with the help of Bynum [1972], Beaney [1997], Hermes [1969], and Angelelli [1967]. Sources were checked, errors were eliminated, and page numbers were added whenever possible. Please notify the author if you find any remaining errors. No citations to Frege’s letters are compiled. These may be found in Gabriel et al. [1976] and Janik [1989], many of which were translated in Gabriel et al. [1980] and Woodward [1967].

I’m indebted to Wolfgang Kienzler for suggesting several important improvements to this catalog.

Complete Chronological Catalog of Frege’s Work

[1873] Über eine geometrische Darstellung der imaginären Gebilde in der Ebene, Inaugural-Dissertation der Philosophischen Fakultät zu Göttingen zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde, Jena: A. Neuenhahn, 1873; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 1–49)

On a Geometrical Representation of the Imaginary Forms in the Plane, Doctoral Dissertation, School of Philosophy, U. Göttingen; translation by H. Kaal in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 1–55)

[1874a] Rechnungsmethoden, die sich auf eine Erweiterung des Grössenbegriffes gründen, Dissertation zur Erlangung der Venia Docendi bei der Philosophischen Fakultät in Jena, Jena: Friedrich Frommann, 1874; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 50–84)

Methods of Calculation based on an Extension of the Concept of Quantity, Dissertation for the Venia Docendi (Habilitationsschrift) in the School of Philosophy of Jena; translation by H. Kaal in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 56–92)

[1874b] ‘Rezension von: H. Seeger, Die Elemente der Arithmetik’, Jenaer Literaturzeitung, 1/46 (1874): 722; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 85–86)

‘Review of H. Seeger, The Elements of Arithmetic’; translation by H. Kaal in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 93–4)

[1877a] ‘Rezension von: A. v. Gall and E. Winter, Die analytische Geometrie des Punktes und der Geraden und ihre Anwendung auf Aufgaben’, Jenaer Literaturzeitung, 4/9 (1877): 133–134; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 87–88)

Review of A. v. Gall and E. Winter, Analytic Geometry of the Point and the Line and its Application to Problems; translation by H. Kaal in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 95–97)

[1877b] ‘Review of J. Thomae, Sammlung von Formeln welche bei Anwendung der elliptischen und Rosenhain’schen Funktionen gebraucht werden’, Jenaer Literaturzeitung, 4/30 (1877), p. 472; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (p. 89)

‘Review of J. Thomae, Collection of Formulae used in the Application of Elliptical and Rosenhain Functions’; translation by H. Kaal in McGuinness [1984] (p. 98)

[1878] ‘Über eine Weise, die Gestalt eines Dreiecks als komplexe Grösse aufzufassen’, Vortrag, gehalten in in der Sitzung vom 8. Februar 1878, der Jenaischen Gesellschaft für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft, in Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft, 12/Supplement (1878) (= Sitzungsberichte der Jenaischen Gesellschaft für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft für das Jahr 1878), p. xviii; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 90–91)

‘On a Way of Conceiving the Shape of a Triangle as a Complex Quantity’ (Lecture at the February 8, 1878 meeting of Jena’s Society for Medicine and Natural Science); translation by H. Kaal in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 99–100)

[1879] Begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens, Halle a. S.: Louis Nebert, 1879; reprinted in Angelelli [1964] (pp. ix–xvi, 1–88)

Concept Script, a formal language of pure thought modelled upon that of arithmetic;

[1879b] ‘Anwendungen der Begriffsschrift’, Vortrag, gehalten in der Sitzung vom 24. Januar 1879 der Jenaischen Gesellschaft für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft, in Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft, 13/Supplement II (1879) (= Sitzungsberichte der Jenaischen Gesellschaft für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft für das Jahr 1879), pp. 29–33; reprinted in Angelelli [1964] (pp. 89–93)

‘Applications of the Concept Script’ (Lecture at the January 24, 1879 meeting of Jena’s Society for Medicine and Natural Science); translation by T. Bynum in Bynum [1972] (pp. 204–8)

[1879?] (Logik), unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 1–8)

(Logic); translation by Long and White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 1–9)

[1880] ‘Rezension von: Hoppe, Lehrbuch der analytischen Geometrie I’, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 1 (1880): columns 210–211; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 92–93)

‘Review of Hoppe, Textbook of Analytic Geometry I’; translation by H. Kaal in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 101–102)

[1880?] ‘Booles rechnende Logik und die Begriffsschrift’, unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 9–52)

‘Boole’s Logical Calculus and the Concept Script’; unpublished; translation by Long and White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 9–46)

[1881] ‘Über den Briefwechsel Leibnizens und Huygens mit Papin’, Vortrag, gehalten in der Sitzung vom 15. Juli 1881 der Jenaischen Gesellschaft für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft, in Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft, 15/Supplement (1881/1882) (= Sitzungsberichte der Jenaischen Gesellschaft für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft für das Jahr 1881), pp. 29–32; reprinted in Angelelli [1964] (pp. 93–96)

‘On Leibniz’s and Huygens’ Letter Exchange with Papin’ (Lecture at the July 15, 1881 meeting of Jena’s Society for Medicine and Natural Science); no English translation available.

[1882a] ‘Über die wissenschaftliche Berechtigung einer Begriffsschrift’, Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik, 81 (1882), pp. 48–56; reprinted in Angelelli [1964] (pp. 106–114) and in Patzig [1962] (pp. 91–97).

‘On the Scientific Justification of a Concept Script’

[1882b] ‘Über den Zweck der Begriffsschrift’, Vortrag, gehalten in der Sitzung vom 27. Januar 1882 der Jenaischen Gesellschaft für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft, Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft, 16/Supplement (1882/1883) (= Sitzungsberichte der Jenaischen Gesellschaft für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft für das Jahr 1882), pp. 1–10 reprinted in Angelelli [1964] (pp. 97–106)

‘On the Purpose of Concept Script (Lecture at the January 27, 1882 meeting of Jena’s Society for Medicine and Natural Science)

[1882c] ‘Booles logische Formelsprache und meine Begriffsschrift’, unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 53–59)

‘Boole’s Logical Formula Language and my Concept Script’, unpublished; translation by Long and White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 47–52)

[1882d?] (17 Kernsätze zur Logik), unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 189–190). [Note: This piece was thought to have been written in 1876, but research by G. Gabriel suggests the date of 1882.]

(17 Key Sentences on Logic), unpublished; translation by Long and White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 174–175)

[1883] ‘Geometrie der Punktpaare in der Ebene’, Vortrag, gehalten in der Sitzung vom 2. November 1883 der Jenaischen Gesellschaft für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft, in Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft, 17/Supplement (1884) (= Sitzungberichte der Jenaischen Gesellschaft für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft für das Jahr 1883), pp. 98–102; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 94–98)

‘Geometry of Pairs of Points in the Plane’ (Lecture at the November 2, 1883 meeting of Jena’s Society for Medicine and Natural Science); translation by H. Kaal in McGuinness [1984] pp. 103–107

[1883?] (Dialog mit Pünjer über Existenz), unpublished; reprinted in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 60–75)

(Dialogue with Pünjer on Existence), unpublished; translated by Long and White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 53–67)

[1884] Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik: eine logisch mathematische Untersuchung über den Begriff der Zahl, Breslau: W. Koebner, 1884; reprinted Breslau: M. & H. Marcus, 1934; reprinted Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft and Hildesheim: Olms, 1961; reprinted in Thiel [1986]

The Foundations of Arithmetic: A logico-mathematical enquiry into the concept of number
  • Complete translation by J. L. Austin in Austin [1953]. Pp. v–viii and §§21–27 of this translation reprinted in Kennick and Lazerowitz [1966] (pp. 67–74)
  • Complete translation by D. Jacquette in Jacquette [2007]. [But see the Review of Jacquette’s translation by Michael Kremer.]
  • Partial translation (§§55–91, §§106–109) by M. Mahoney in Benacerraf and Putnam [1983] (pp. 130–159)/[1964] (pp. 85–112)
  • Partial translation (Introduction, §§1–4, §§45–69, §§87–91, §§104–9) by M. Beaney in Beaney [1997] (pp. 84–129)

[1885a] ‘Rezension von: H. Cohen, Das Prinzip der Infinitesimal-Methode und seine Geschichte’, Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik, 87 (1885), pp. 324–329; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 99–102)

‘Review of H. Cohen, The Principle of the Method of Infinitesimals and its History’; translation by H. Kaal in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 108–111)

[1885b] ‘Über formale Theorien der Arithmetik’, Vortrag, gehalten in der Sitzung vom 17. July 1885 der Jenaischen Gesellschaft für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft, in Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft, 19/Supplement II (1886) (= Sitzungberichte der Jenaischen Gesellschaft für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft für das Jahr 1885), pp. 94–104; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 103–111)

‘On Formal Theories of Arithmetic’ (Lecture at the July 17, 1885 meeting of Jena’s Society for Medicine and Natural Science); translation by E.-H. W. Kluge in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 112–121)

[1885c] ‘Erwiderung’ (auf Cantors Rezension der Grundlagen der Arithmetik), Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 6/28 (1885), column 1030; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (p. 112)

‘Reply’, translation by H. Kaal in McGuinness [1984] (p. 122)

[Note: This is a brief reply to Cantor, G., ‘Rezension der Grundlagen der Arithmetik’, which appeared in Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 6/20 (1885), columns 728–729.]

[1890-2] (Entwurf zu einer Besprechung von Cantors Gesammelten Abhandlungen zur Lehre vom Transfiniten), unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 76–80)

(Draft of a review of Cantor’s book Contributions to the Theory of the Transfinite: Collected Articles from Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik), unpublished; translation by Long and White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 68–71)

[1891a] Funktion und Begriff (Vortrag, gehalten in der Sitzung vom 9. Januar 1891 der Jenaischen Gesellschaft für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft), Jena: Hermann Pohle, 1891; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 125–142) and in Patzig [1962] (pp. 17–39), and in Kienzler 1999 (pp. i–iv, 1–31).

‘Function and Concept’ (Lecture at the January 9, 1891 meeting of Jena’s Society for Medicine and Natural Science); translation by P. Geach in Geach and Black [1980] (pp. 21–41), McGuinness [1984] (pp. 137–156), and (with minor revisions) in Beaney [1997] (pp. 130–148)

[1891b] ‘Über das Trägheitsgesetz’, Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik, 98 (1891): 145–161; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 113–124)

‘On the Law of Inertia’

[1891?a] ‘Über den Begriff der Zahl: 1. Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Biermann’, unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 81–95)

‘On the Concept of Number: 1. A Criticism of Biermann’, unpublished; translation by Long and White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 72–86)

[1891?b] ‘Über den Begriff der Zahl: 2. Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Kerry’, unpublished draft of Frege [1892b]; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 96–127)

‘On the Concept of Number: 2. A Criticism of Kerry’, unpublished draft of Frege [1892b]; translation by Long and White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 87–117)

[1892a] ‘Über Sinn und Bedeutung’, in Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik, 100 (1892), pp. 25–50; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 143–162) and in Patzig [1962] (pp. 40–65)

‘On Sense and Meaning’

[1892b] ‘Über Begriff und Gegenstand’, in Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Philosophie, 16 (1892): 192–205; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 167–178) and in Patzig [1962] (pp. 66–80)

‘On Concept and Object’, translation by P. Geach in Geach [1951], Geach and Black [1980] (pp. 42–55), Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 87–117), McGuinness [1984] (pp. 182–194), and (with minor revisions) in Beaney [1997] (pp. 181–193)

[1892c] ‘Rezension von: G. Cantor, Zur Lehre vom Transfiniten: Gesammelte Abhandlungen aus der Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik’, 100 (1892), pp. 269–272; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 163–166)

‘Review of Georg Cantor, Contributions to the Theory of the Transfinite: Collected Articles from Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik’, translation by H. Kaal in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 178–181)

[1892-5] (Ausführungen über Sinn und Bedeutung), unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 128–136)

(Comments on Sense and Meaning), unpublished; translation by Long and White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 118–125)

[1893] Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, begriffsschriftlich abgeleitet, Jena: Verlag Hermann Pohle, Band I; reprinted Hildesheim: Olms, 1962; reprinted in Thiel [1998], with Corrigenda (six pages) and some textual criticism.

Basic Laws of Arithmetic (Volume I)
  • Complete translation by P. Ebert and M. Rossberg (with C. Wright), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
  • Partial translation (Preface, Introduction, §§1–52) by M. Furth in Furth [1964]
  • Partial translation (almost all of the Preface, Introduction, §§1–7) by Stachelroth and Jourdain in Stachelroth and Jourdain [1915-1917], and (Preface abridged further) in Geach and Black [1980] (pp. 137–159), and (only small part of the Preface) in Copi and Gould [1964] (pp. 205–210)
  • Partial translation (most of the Preface, Introduction, §§1–6, parts of §§26–33) by M. Beaney in Beaney [1997] (pp. 194–223)

[1894] ‘Rezension von: E. Husserl, Philosophie der Arithmetik I’, in Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik, 103 (1894), pp. 313–332; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 179–192)

‘Review of E. Husserl’s Philosophy of Arithmetic I

[1895a] ‘Kritische Beleuchtung einiger Punkte in E. Schröders Vorlesungen über die Algebra der Logik, in Archiv für systematische Philosophie, I (1895): 433–456; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 193–210) and in Patzig [1966] (pp. 92–112)

‘A Critical Elucidation of Some Points in E. Schröder, Lectures on the Algebra of Logic’, translation by P. Geach in Geach and Black [1980] (pp. 86–106) and in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 210–228)

[1895b] ‘Le Nombre Entier’, Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, 3 (1895) pp. 73–78; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 211–219)

‘Whole Numbers’, (the original is in French); translation by V. H. Dudman in Dudman [1970], and in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 229–233)

[1896a] ‘Lettera del Sig. G. Frege all’Editore’, Rivista di Matematica, 6 (1896–9): 53–59; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 234–239) and in Gabriel et al. [1976] (pp. 181–186)

‘Letter to the Editor’ (original in German); translation by H. Kaal in Gabriel et al. [1980] (pp. 112–118). [Note: The Editor of the Rivista di Matematica was G. Peano.]

[1897] ‘Über die Begriffsschrift des Herrn Peano und meine eigene’, Vortrag, gehalten in der ausserordenlichen Sitzung vom 6. Juli 1896, Berichte über die Verhandlungen der Königlich Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig: Mathematisch-physische Klasse, 48 (1897): 361–378; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 220–233)

‘On Mr. Peano’s Concept Script and My Own’, Lecture at the special July 6, 1896 meeting of Leipzig’s Science Society; translation by V. H. Dudman in Dudman [1969] and in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 234–248)

[1897] ‘Logik’, unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 137–163)

‘Logic’, unpublished; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 126–151) and (the first two sections reappear with minor revisions) in Beaney [1997] (pp. 227–250)

[1897?] ‘Begründung meiner strengeren Grundsätze des Definierens’, unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 164–170)

‘An Argument for my Stricter Canons of Definition’, unpublished; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 152–156)

[1898?] ‘Logische Mängel in der Mathematik’, unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 171–181)

‘Logical Defects in Mathematics’, unpublished; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 157–166)

[1899] Über die Zahlen des Herrn H. Schubert, Jena: Herman Pohle, 1899; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 240–261), in Patzig [1966] (pp. 113–138), and in Kienzler [1999] (pp. i-vi, 1–32).

‘On Mr. Schubert’s Numbers’; translation by H. Kraal in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 249–272)

[1899?] ‘Über Euklidische Geometrie’, unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 182–184)

‘On Euclidean Geometry’, unpublished; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 167–169)

[1903a] Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, begriffsschriftlich abgeleitet, Jena: Verlag Hermann Pohle, Band II; reprinted Hildesheim: Olms, 1962; reprinted in Thiel [1998], with Corrigenda (six pages) and some textual criticism.

Basic Laws of Arithmetic (Volume II)
  • Complete translation by P. Ebert and M. Rossberg (with C. Wright), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
  • Partial translation (§§56–67, §§139–144, §§146–147, and Appendix) by P. Geach in Geach and Black [1980] (pp. 159–172, 173–179, 179–181, 234–244) and in Runes [1962] (329–342) [Note: the Geach translation in Runes covers only §§56–67 (‘Definitions’) and the source is incorrectly labeled as Frege [1884].]
  • Partial translation (§§86–137) by M. Black in Black [1950]; reprinted in Geach and Black [1980] (pp. 182–233)
  • Partial translation (§§55–67, §§138–147, and Appendix) by P. Geach and M. Beaney in Beaney [1997] (pp. 258–289)
  • Partial translation (Appendix only) by M. Furth in Furth [1964] (pp. 127–143)

[1903b] ‘Über die Grundlagen der Geometrie’, Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 12 (1903), pp. 319–324 (Part I), pp. 368–375 (Part II); reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 262–272)

‘On the Foundations of Geometry’ (First Series),

[Note: In this article, Frege criticizes Hilbert’s understanding and use of the axiomatic method. There is a reply in defense of Hilbert by A. Korselt in Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 12 (1903), pp.~402–407. It has been translated by E.-H. W. Kluge in Kluge [1971] (pp.~38–48).]

[1903?] (Notizen Freges zu Hilberts Grundlagen der Geometrie), unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 185–188)

(Frege’s Notes on Hilbert’s Foundations of Geometry), unpublished; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 170–173)

[1904] ‘Was ist eine Funktion?’, in Festschrift Ludwig Boltzmann gewidmet zum sechzigsten Geburtstage, 20. Februar 1904, S. Meyer (ed.), Leipzig: Barth, 1904, pp. 656–666; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 273–280) and in Patzig [1962] (pp. 81–90)

‘What is a Function?’, translation by P. Geach in Geach and Black [1980] (pp. 107–116), and McGuinness [1984] (pp. 285–292)

[1906a] ‘Über die Grundlagen der Geometrie’, Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 15 (1906), pp. 293–309 (Part I), 377–403 (Part II), 423–430 (Part III); reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 281–323)

‘On the Foundations of Geometry’ (Second Series), translation by E.-H. W. Kluge in Kluge [1971] (pp. 49–112) and in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 293–340)

[1906b] ‘Antwort auf die Ferienplauderei des Herrn Thomae’, Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 15 (1906), pp. 586–590; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 324–328)

‘Reply to Mr. Thomae’s Holiday Causerie’, translation by E.-H. W. Kluge in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 341–345)

[Note: The ‘Holiday Chat’ which occasioned this piece by Frege is also translated in Kluge [1971].]

[1906c] ‘Über Schoenflies: Die logischen Paradoxien der Mengenlehre’, unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 191–199)

‘On Schoenflies, The Logical Paradoxes of Set Theory’, unpublished, translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 176–183)

[1906d] ‘Was kann ich als Ergebnis meiner Arbeit ansehen?’, unpublished fragment; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (p. 200)

‘What May I Regard as the Result of my Work?’, unpublished fragment; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (p. 184)

[1906e] ‘Einleitung in die Logik’, unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 201–212)

‘Introduction to Logic’, unpublished; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 185–196)

[1906f] ‘Kurze Übersicht meiner logischen Lehren?’, unpublished; reprinted in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 213–218)

‘Brief Survey of my Logical Doctrines’, unpublished; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 197–202 )

[1908] ‘Die Unmöglichkeit der Thomaeschen formalen Arithmetik aufs Neue nachgewiesen’ (mit ‘Schlussbemerkung’), Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 17 (1908), pp. 52–55, 56; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 329–333)

‘Renewed Proof of the Impossibility of Mr. Thomae’s Formal Arithmetic’ (with Concluding Remarks), translation by E.-H. W. Kluge in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 346–350)

[1910] ‘(Anmerkungen zu) Philip E. B. Jourdain, The Development of the Theories of Mathematical Logic and the Principles of Mathematics: Gottlob Frege’, in The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 43 (1912) pp. 237–269; (Frege’s comments, in German, are reprinted in full in Gabriel et al. [1976], pp. 116–124. In addition, this section of Jourdain’s text is reprinted in Gabriel et al. [1976], pp. 275–301.)

‘(Footnotes to) Philip E. B. Jourdain, The Development of the Theories of Mathematical Logic and the Principles of Mathematics’. In 1910, Frege sent Jourdain comments on his manuscript. Jourdain translated Frege’s comments and published them as footnotes to his paper in the The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. The footnotes containing Frege’s remarks are collated and reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 334–341)

[1910-13] (Vorlesungen über Begriffsschrift), an der Universität Jena, nach der Mitschrift von Rudolf Carnap, (‘Begriffsschrift I’ aus dem Wintersemester 1910/11; ‘Begriffsschrift II’ aus dem Sommersemester 1913), unpublished; reproduced in Gabriel [1996a] (pp. 1–42)

‘Lectures on Concept Script’, at the University of Jena, as recorded by (Frege’s student) Rudolf Carnap. The lectures from the Winter Semester of 1910–11 are called ‘Begriffsschrift I’ and the lectures from the Summer Semester 1913 are called ‘Begriffsschrift II’. English translation in Reck and Awodey 2004 (pp. 49–77, 87–133).

[1914] ‘Logik in der Mathematik’, unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 219–270)

‘Logic in Mathematics’, unpublished; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 203–250)

[Note: According to the Introduction to Gabriel [1996], these are Frege’s lecture notes for lectures given at the University of Jena in the Summer Semester of 1914. Carnap attended these lectures and took notes. Carnap’s notes from these lectures, in German, are reproduced in Gabriel [2010] (pp. 471-492), and appeared in English in Reck and Awodey 2004 (pp. 135–66).]

[1915] ‘Meine grundlegenden logischen Einsichten’, unpublished fragment; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 271–272)

‘My Basic Logical Insights’, unpublished fragment; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 251–252)

[1918a] ‘Der Gedanke. Eine logische Untersuchung’, in Beiträge zur Philosophie des deutschen Idealismus, I (1918–1919), pp. 58–77; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 342–362) and in Patzig [1966] (pp. 30–53)

‘Thoughts: A Logical Enquiry’,

[1918b] ‘Die Verneinung. Eine logische Untersuchung’, Beiträge zur Philosophie des deutschen Idealismus, I (1918–1919), pp. 143–157; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 362–378) and in Patzig [1966] (pp. 54–71)

‘Negation: A Logical Investigation’, translation by P. Geach in Geach and Black [1960] (pp. 117–135), in Geach [1977] (pp. 31–53), and in Beaney [1997] (pp. 346–361)

[1918c] ‘Vorschläge für ein Wahlgesetz’, originally unpublished; recently published in Gabriel and Dathe [2000] (pp. 283–313), edited and introduced by U. Dathe and W. Kienzler.

‘Suggestions for an Electoral Law’, (originally unpublished); no English translation is available

[1919] (Aufzeichnungen für Ludwig Darmstaedter), unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 273–277)

(Notes for Ludwig Darmstaedter), unpublished; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 253–257 )

[1923a] ‘Logische Untersuchungen. Dritter Teil: Gedankengefüge’, Beiträge zur Philosophie des deutschen Idealismus, III (1923–1926), pp. 36–51; reprinted in Angelelli [1967] (pp. 378–394) and in Patzig [1966] (pp. 72–91)

‘Logical Investigations. Third Part: Compound Thoughts’, translation by R. Stoothoof in Stoothoff [1963], in Klemke [1968] (pp. 537–558), in Geach [1977] (pp. 55–77), and in McGuinness [1984] (pp. 390–406)

[1923b] ‘Logische Allgemeinheit’, unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 278–281)

‘Logical Generality’, unpublished fragment; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 258–262)

[1924a] (Tagebuch), unpublished; reproduced in Gabriel and Kienzler [1994] (pp. 1067–1098); two pages (‘Tagebucheintragungen über den Begriff der Zahl’) are reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 282–283)

(‘Diary: Written by Professor Dr. Gottlob Frege in the Time from 10 March to 9 April 1924’), unpublished; translation of extant entries by R. Mendelsohn in Gabriel and Kienzler [1996]; partial translation (‘Diary Entries on the Concept of Number’) by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 263–264)

[1924b] ‘Zahl’, unpublished fragment; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 284–285)

‘Number’, unpublished fragment; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 265–266 )

[1924-25a] ‘Erkenntnisquellen der Mathematik und der mathematischen Naturwissenschaften’, unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 286–294)

‘Sources of Knowledge of Mathematics and the Mathematical Natural Sciences’, unpublished; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 267–274)

[1924-25b] ‘Zahlen und Arithmetik’, unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 295–297)

‘Numbers and Arithmetic’, unpublished; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 275–277 )

[1924-25c] ‘Neuer Versuch der Grundlegung der Arithmetik’, unpublished; reproduced in Hermes et al. [1969] (pp. 298–302)

‘A New Attempt at a Foundation for Arithmetic’, unpublished; translation by P. Long and R. White in Hermes et al. [1979] (pp. 278–281)

Locations of English Translations of Frege’s Writings

  • Angelelli, I. (ed.), 1967, Kleine Schriften, Hildesheim: Olms (contains the English version of Frege [1910])
  • Austin, J. L. (ed. and trans.), 1953, The Foundations of Arithmetic. A logic-mathematical enquiry into the concept of number, Oxford: Blackwell, second revised edition (first edition, 1950)
  • Bartlett, J. M. (trans.), 1964, ‘On the Scientific Justification of a Concept-script’, Mind, 73: 155–60
  • Beaney, M. (ed.), 1997, The Frege Reader, Oxford: Blackwell
  • Benacerraf, P., and Putnam, H. (eds.), 1983/1964, Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, second edition (first edition, Prentice Hall, 1964)
  • Black, M. (trans.), 1948, ‘Sense and Reference’, The Philosophical Review, 57: 207–230
  • Black, M. (trans.), 1950, ‘Frege Against the Formalists’, The Philosophical Review, 59: 77–93, 202–220, 332–345 (translations of §§86–137 of Frege [1903a])
  • Bynum, T. W. (ed. and trans.), 1972, Conceptual Notation and Related Articles, Oxford: Clarendon
  • Copi, I., and Gould, J. (eds.), 1964, Readings on Logic, New York: Macmillan
  • Dudman, V. H. (trans.), 1970, ‘The Whole Number’, Mind, 79: 481–486
  • Dudman, V. H. (trans.), 1969, ‘On Herr Peano’s Begriffsschrift and My Own’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 47 (1969): 1–14
  • Dudman, V. H. (trans.), 1968, ‘On the Purpose of the Begriffsschrift’, The Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 46 (1968): 89–97
  • Ebert, P. and M. Rossberg (with C. Wright), 2013, Basic Laws of Arithmetic: Derived using concept-script, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Feigl, H. and Sellars, W., (eds.), 1949, Readings in Philosophical Analysis, New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts
  • Furth, M. (trans.), 1964, The Basic Laws of Arithmetic, Berkeley: U. of California Press
  • Gabriel, G., and Kienzler, W. (eds.), 1996, ‘Diary: Written by Professor Gottlob Frege in the Time from 10 March to 9 April 1924’ (translated by R. Mendelsohn), Inquiry, 39: 303–342
  • Gabriel, G., Hermes, H., Kambartel, F., Thiel, C., and Veraart, A. (eds.), 1980, Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondence, abridged from the German collection Gabriel et al. [1976] by B. McGuinness and trans. by H. Kaal, Chicago: U. of Chicago Press
  • Geach, P., and Black, M. (eds. and trans.), 1960, Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege, Oxford: Blackwell, second edition.
  • Geach, P., and Black, M. (eds. and trans.), 1980, Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege, Oxford: Blackwell, third edition
  • Geach, P. (ed.), 1977, Logical Investigations, trans. by P. Geach and R. Stoothoff, Oxford: Blackwell
  • Geach, P. (trans.), 1951, ‘On Concept and Object’, Mind, 60: 168–180
  • Heijenoort, J. van (ed.), 1967, From Frege to Gödel, a source book in mathematical logic, 1879–1931, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
  • Hermes, H., Kambartel, F., and Kaulbach, F. (eds.), 1979, Posthumous Writings, P. Long and R. White (trans.), Chicago: U. of Chicago Press, 1979; this is a translation by P. Long and R. White of Frege’s work in the German collection Hermes et al. [1969]
  • Jacquette, D. (trans.), 2007, The Foundations of Arithmetic, Longman. [But see the Review of Jacquette’s translation by Michael Kremer.]
  • Keller, A., and T. Foresee, 2019, Borderless Philosophy, 2: 76–94, <available online>
  • Kennick, W. E., and Lazerowitz, M. (eds.), 1966, Metaphysics: Readings and Reappraisals, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
  • Klemke, E. D. (ed.), 1968, Essays on Frege, Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press
  • Kluge, E.-H. W. (trans.), 1971, On the Foundatons of Geometry and Formal Theories of Arthmetic, New Haven: Yale University Press
  • Martinich, A. P. (ed.), 1985, The Philosophy of Language, Oxford: Oxford University Press, first edition
  • Martinich, A. P. (ed.), 1996, The Philosophy of Language, Oxford: Oxford University Press, third edition (second edition, 1990; the first edition of 1985 is listed separately as Martinich [1985])
  • McGuinness, B. (ed.), 1984, Collected Papers on Mathematics, Logic, and Philosophy, translated from the German collection Angelelli [1967] by M. Black, V. H. Dudman, P. Geach, H. Kaal, E.-H. W. Kluge, B. McGuinness, and R. H. Stoothoff, Oxford: Basil Blackwell
  • Nagel, E., and Brandt, R. (eds.), 1965, Meaning and Knowledge, New York: Harcourt, Brace and World
  • Quinton, A., and Quinton, M. (trans.), 1956, ‘The Thought: A Logical Enquiry’, Mind, 65: 289–311
  • Rand, R. (trans.), 1961, ‘About the Law of Inertia’, Synthese, 13/4 (December): 350–363
  • Reck, E., and Awodey, S. (trans./eds.), 2004, Frege’s Lectures on Logic: Carnap’s Student Notes, 1910–1914, Chicago and La Salle, IL: Open Court.
  • Runes, D. (ed.), 1962, Classics in Logic: Readings in Epistemology, Theory of Knowledge, and Dialectics, New York: Philosophical Library
  • Salmon, N., and Soames, S., (eds.), 1988, Propositional Attitudes, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Stachelroth, J., and Jordan, P. E. B. (trans.), 1915 – 1917, ‘The Fundamental Laws of Arithmetic’, The Monist, 25/4 (October 1915): 481–494;, 26/2 (April 1916): 182–199 (‘The Fundamental Laws of Arithmetic: Psychological Logic’); 27/1 (January 1917): 114–127 (‘Class, Function, Concept, Relation’)
  • Stoothoff, R. (trans.), 1963, ‘Compound Thoughts’, Mind, 72: 1–17
  • Strawson, P. (ed.), 1967, Philosophical Logic, London: Oxford University Press
  • Szabo, M. E. (trans.), 1960, ‘The Foundations of Geometry’, The Philosophical Review, 69: 3–17
  • Woodward, B. (trans.), 1967, ‘A Letter to Bertrand Russell on Russell’s Paradox’ (dated Jena, 22 June 1902), in van Heijenoort [1967] (pp. 126–128)

Principal German Collections and Reprints of Frege’s Work

  • Angelelli, I. (ed.), 1967, Kleine Schriften, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft and Hildesheim: Olms
  • Angelelli, I. (ed.), 1964, Begriffsschrift und andere Aufsätze (reprint of Frege [1879]), Hildesheim: Olms
  • Gabriel, G. (ed.), 1996, ‘Vorlesungen über Begriffsschrift, nach der Mitschrift von Rudolf Carnap’, History and Philosophy of Logic, 17 (1996): iii–xvi, 1–48
  • Gabriel, G. (ed.), 2010, ‘Logik in der Mathematik. Nach der Mitschrift von Rudolf Carnap. Unter Mitwirkung von Christopher von Bülow und Brigitte Parakenings herausgegeben’, in Stefan Tolksdorf and Holm Tetens (eds.), In Sprachspiele verstrickt – oder: Wie man der Fliege den Ausweg zeigt. Verflechtungen von Wissen und Können, Berlin, New York: De Gruyter 2010, pp. 467–491.
  • Gabriel, G., and Dathe, U. (eds.), 2000, Gottlob Frege. Werk und Wirkung, Paderborn: Verlag Mentis
  • Gabriel, G., and Kienzler, W. (eds.), 1994, ‘Gottlob Freges politisches Tagebuch’, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 42/6: 1057–98
  • Gabriel, G., Hermes, H., Kambartel, F., Thiel, C., and Veraart, A. (eds.), 1976, Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel, Hamburg: Felix Meiner
  • Hermes, H., Kambartel, F., and Kaulbach, F. (eds.), 1969, Nachgelassene Schriften, Hamburg: Felix Meiner; second, expanded edition, 1983. [The second edition additionally includes ‘Nachschrift einer Vorlesung, Analytische Geometrie nach neueren Methoden’, Wintersemester 1874–75 (pp. 347–364), as well as summaries of some individual lectures Frege gave at the Mathematische Gesellschaft Jena between 1875 and 1881 (pp. 365–388).]
  • Janik, A. (ed.), 1989, ‘Briefe an Ludwig Wittgenstein’ (aus den Jahren 1914–1920), in B. McGuinness and R. Haller (eds.) Wittgenstein in Focus — Im Brennpunkt: Wittgenstein, (special issue of) Grazer Philosophische Studien, 33/34 (1989), pp. 5–33
  • Kienzler, W. (ed.), 1999, Zwei Schriften zur Arithmetik, Hildesheim: Olms. [Contains reprints of two separately published pamphlets [1891a] and [1899]. This edition completes the Olms reprint editions of the works Frege published separately.]
  • Patzig, G. (ed.), 1962, Funktion, Begriff, Bedeutung: Fünf logische Studien, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
  • Patzig, G. (ed.), 1966, Logische Untersuchungen, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
  • Thiel, C. (ed.), 1986, Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik (critical edition of Frege [1884]), Hamburg: Felix Meiner
  • Thiel, C. (ed.), 1998, Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, Hildesheim: Olms. (Reprint of the 1962 edition of Frege [1893] and [1903a], with Corrigenda.)

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