Supplement to Language and Testimony in Classical Indian Philosophy

Approximate Chronology of Indian Philosophers

The chronology is divided into schools of thought.


Fifth century bcePāṇini, Yāska
Fourth century bceVyāḍi, Vājapyāyana
Third century bceKātyāyana
Second century bcePatañjali
Fifth century ceBhartṛhari
Seventh century ceVāmana, Jayāditya
Tenth century ceHelārāja, Puṇyarāja
Twelfth century ceKaiyaṭa
Sixteenth century ceBhaṭṭojī-Dīkṣita
Seventeenth century ceHaridīkṣita, Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa
Eighteenth century ceNāgeśabhaṭṭa


Second century bceJaimini
Fourth century ceŚabara
Seventh century ceKumārila, Prabhākara, Maṇḍanamiśra
Tenth century cePārthasārathi, Vācaspati, Someśvara, Bhavadeva
Seventeenth century ceGāgābhaṭṭa, Khaṇḍadeva


Second century bceKaṇāda
Second century ceGautama
Fourth century ceVātsyāyana
Fifth century cePraśastapāda
Sixth century ceUddyotakara
Tenth century ceJayantabhaṭṭa, Śrīdhara
Eleventh century ceUdayana
Thirteenth century ceGaṅgeśa
Fifteenth century ceRaghunātha
Sixteenth century ceMathurānātha
Seventeenth century ceViśvanātha-Tarkapañcānana, Jagadīśa, Gadādhara, Annambhaṭṭa, Padmanābhamiśra, Rājacūḍāmaṇimakhin


Fifth century ceDiṅnāga
Seventh century ceDharmakīrti
Eighth century ceŚāntarakṣita, Kamalaśīla


Eleventh century ceMammaṭa
Fourteen century ceViśvanātha-Kavirāja


Seventeenth century ceDharmarāja-adhvarīndra

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Madhav Deshpande <>

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